2003-08-04 - 3:37 a.m.

Zeca Baleiro kicks ass! The song Meu Amor Meu Bem Me Ame brought this Brazilian singer to my attention, and after listening to some of his other songs, I gotta say, I�m enamored. Reminds me of Zucchero. Just not in Italian.

Eustache Deschamps says that �friends are relatives you make for yourself.� I couldn�t agree more. I must say, though, that introducing your brother to your sister is a strange sensation.

James tells me that my biggest fault is that I don�t allow myself to become attached. He�s right, but even so, this viewpoint of mine is also my greatest strength. People, places, and things are all transitory in my world. This affords me many experiences, of which the fabric of life is made, but while doing so, it precludes any sense of connection, of meaning to that fabric. I dunno, but I think I�d rather have lots of experiences with minimal meaning attached to each, than to have only a few experiences to which I attach lots of meaning. Experiences are written in sand, only to be washed away, although the memory lingers. This said, I think it�s time for me to move on. I�ll remain here as long as it takes to meet certain goals, but then, I�m gone. I have no anchor(s), so I�ll allow the tide to carry me where it will.

Damnit, I should be ready to pass out after two joints, a bottle of wine and four shots of absinthe, but I ain�t ready. Well, I am ready to quit writing - it�s all nonsense anyway, so I�ll bid thee adieu and wish you the best.

Pussy Play - 2005-01-21
Heroes of Socialism - 2005-01-09
Flying Fuck - 2003-09-29
Soul Proctologist - 2003-09-28
Cleaning Windows - 2003-09-13

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