2003-06-29 - 11:24 p.m.

What a weekend. I�m exhausted! I went with James and Jenny to an S&M party down in Santa Cruz yesterday and then to the Gay Pride festivities in San Francisco. Thanks to copious amounts of alcohol, some herb and a Vicodin, I can�t say I remember much from the party, but I do recall walking after midnight to the beach with a few friends, stripping down to my briefs and swimming in the dark, cold water. By the time we got back to the party, the cops had already shown up and ended the fun. We were told over breakfast this morning that the cops had come in and seen, amongst other things, the keg, the six foot bong and a bag of weed, but that they left everything alone and just told everyone to pack it up and go home.

Today was Sunday Morning Coming Down. Not terribly bad, but I was in a definite funk of one sort or another. Gay Pride day in San Francisco was exactly what the doctor ordered to fix the funk. There was no way I could feel anything but good while walking and dancing around in modern-day Sodom and Gomorra with a bunch of freaky, fun-loving people. Oh, and it was so much fun! Here�s a link to some pictures I took:

Like I said, I�m exhausted. I think I�ll go pass out on my bed now.

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Heroes of Socialism - 2005-01-09
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Soul Proctologist - 2003-09-28
Cleaning Windows - 2003-09-13

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