2003-04-26 - 11:49 p.m.

Fuck. I shouldn't have had that Double Grande Malt Mocha Frappucino from Starbucks earlier. I'm never gonna go to sleep now! I know, I know - Starbucks is an evil monopolistic corporation and I certainly didn't mean to support them, but I've been scripting all day long and they were so close and so convenient. I'm surely gonna go to hell. All for a caffiene fix.

Speaking of drugs, a friend of mine that owed me a favor gave me two pink playboys (X) today. I've only done it once before and it was an incredible experience. James, Jen and Heather are coming over on Sunday and we're gonna have dinner and drinks. James and I are gonna roll, the girls are not. They're not quite as anxious as James and me for the royal brain-fucking that an X trip is. I mean, comeon, it releases ALL the seratonin from the brain and doesn't allow uptake for over six hours! That can't be healthy. After Sunday's fun together, I think this is a great group to roll with. We're already intimate and comfortable with each other, so it can only get better.

I'm listening to Hooverphonic - Mad About You. Lovely song. I think it was a recommendation from Nathalie. She's got exceptional taste in music! Movies, too. She's the one that turned me onto Velvet Goldmine.

I came across a website that totally fascinated me. It's www.freestateproject.org. They're plan is to get about 20,000 people to move to one state that can be heavily influenced by voting. The plan is to develop a liberated society of people with minimal influence from the federal gov't. I signed up, just in case it works. I would love to live in Alaska or Maine and be free of the prying eyes of Satan's Spawn (John Ashcroft). Although it's not quite my vision of Utopia, it's closer to it than what we've got now. Of course, it might just be an attempt by The Evil One to corral society's freethinkers into one small area and then undermine everthing those people stand for. Kinda like the American Indians, ya know? Yeah, sure, I'm not a paranoid conspiracy theorist. :)

Oh! I created a survey. If you have a little time, won't ya let me lick your brain?

Pussy Play - 2005-01-21
Heroes of Socialism - 2005-01-09
Flying Fuck - 2003-09-29
Soul Proctologist - 2003-09-28
Cleaning Windows - 2003-09-13

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