2003-03-10 - 3:42 p.m.

So, in addition to being an egoist, which I'm quite proud of, I'm also an egotist, which I'm not so sure of. In my Comm-1 class today, I gave a speech on the role of education in a democratic society. Afterwards, when my peers were supposed to be critiquing me, all I heard was compliments. Normally, people get about a 50-50 mixture of positive and negative feeback regarding their speeches. Even when the professor stated that the class needed to give me some criticism, as opposed to the barrage of compliments, I still received compliments. One classmate asked me if I would run for president. Only if I get a better selection of interns than Mr. Clinton, I suppose. The teacher managed to point out one flaw in my speech. It was supposed to be informative, not pursuasive, and she felt that at times, the speech leaned more towards pursuading than informing. Having had my ego inflated beyond recognition, I proceeded to take that as a compliment as well. Unbeknownst to her, my intent had been to pursuade through information. Muahahahahaha! Anyway, enough of that. I bought a new digital camera recently. Although I need to budget myself now that I'm not working, I felt justified in buying the Canon PowerShot G3, even though it was quite expensive. I figure that by the time I'm done learning how to use all the functions, I'll be a professional photographer; well worth the investment. It has so many options - it'll take me forever to learn how to use it. Since I have more time than brains, this might work to my advantage. With all the amazing functions and neat tricks that the camera can handle, I am most fascinated by the remote control. Probably because my reptilian brain realized the kink-potential it could bring to my bedroom (or kitchen, bathroom, balcony, etc). Woohoo! I planned on writing a lot more during this journal session, but I realized that it's late afternoon, the sun is shining and it's the perfect time to start learning how to use this camera. I think I might go visit Hannah and get some cute baby pictures. Yeah, that ought to do it.

Pussy Play - 2005-01-21
Heroes of Socialism - 2005-01-09
Flying Fuck - 2003-09-29
Soul Proctologist - 2003-09-28
Cleaning Windows - 2003-09-13

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